Today was a long, long day. We’re about to crawl into bed now, and since the last time I was in a bed, we’ve been in 4 different cities, in 3 different countries, on two different continents. I got more sleep than usual on our flight, but it was a struggle for us to forego the nap we both craved. Still, we managed to stay up, and took a long walk in order to battle jet lag.
We ended up at Parque De El Retiro, which is located about 2km from our air BNB. I realized today, as we were walking around this peaceful and beautiful public space, that parks are sort of becoming our thing. We beelined it to parks in both Taiwan and South Korea as well. I think it has to do with the fact that we get so little proper green space living in China. There are parks there, yes, but they’re all very manufactured
The park we visited today had far too much for me to go over in a daily Post, and I will be writing more about it in the future, but for today, I wanted to dedicate my daily Post to natural beauty and the serenity I find in those places.
I’ll be back tomorrow with another daily recap, so stay tuned!
Wow! Can’t wait for the days to come, pics are already intriguing! Sleep well!