Day 25: Walking

We’ve been back in China for a few days now, and the new term is underway, but I still wanted to write about our last day of holidays. It was, after all, one of our best days in Spain!

Poe is happy to have us home!

I scheduled one day in Madrid for the end of our trip for shopping, but as it turned out, we didn’t have much shopping to do, so we went sight seeing instead.

A part of the Berlin Wall

My favourite way to see a city is on foot. You see so much more than you would if you were driving around. There are so many little things to notice when you’re up close and personal with a city.

This building was behind a bunch of other buildings and I loved the lion.

Dave and I considered a few places for our final day. There are so many art galleries, museums and Historical buildings to explore in Madrid, but we really wanted to be outside, enjoying the sun!

That sky!!

Suzhou is either polluted or rainy in winter, so we wanted to take advantage of the sun and clean air as much as we could before leaving Europe.

We went through from a different area of the park and saw some new things. We also saw some old things from a new angle, which is always important!

We also walked our way through dinner, stopping at several of our favorite Tapas Bars.

We found ourselves back at Claxon for more pork belly!
Across the street there is a tapas bar that is more than 100 years old! They make wicked Spanish omelettes and their mushroom caps were great too!

By the end of the day, we had taken nearly 30,000 steps, but had seen so much more of the city. I wouldn’t change a single thing about the way we spent Valentine’s Day! It was truely a Dave and Marie sort of way to celebrate!

Such a romantic spot!

I’m back in Suzhou now. The pollution has been bad enough the last few days that my eyes are itchy and watering. At least the rain stopped…

Now I’m working on a new idea that synergizes two of my biggest passions in life: Staying healthy enough that I can continue doing awesome things and helping animals in need!
We have 43 contestants so far! Can’t wait to see how many more sign up this week!!

I’ll be back soon with some more in depth posts about our travels. I’ll be writing about:

– Madrid City and all its sights

– Segovia, Avila & Toledo: City Walls, Castles & Cathedrals!

– Our Tri-Country Roadtrip

– Poland

Stay tuned!!

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