Vietnam Round 2: Day 1

As I’ve said many times in the last 6 years, I hate flying (but I love traveling!). Today was a travel day and by the end of it, I felt tired, sweaty, smelly and somewhat concerned I caught a cold while in the confines of those stuffy airplanes filled with sneezing children and adults who don’t cover their mouths.

What I picture on every flight…

How’s that for the start of my first post in wayyyy too long!?!?

I’ve been busy trying to find animals like Biscuit a home. Biscuit’s name is now Nacho and he has a forever family!

Life has been crazy in Suzhou. My writing has been put to good use in the last few months. I’ve published an article in a local magazine about the animal shelter where I volunteer, and have published several food reviews as well. Unfortunately, that hasn’t meant much time for blogging. But here I am, committed to posting daily throughout this new adventure.

Page 1 of my article

Finally, I get a break. Now, some of you may be wondering why we didn’t go back to Canada for Christmas. Although we would have loved to, it’s a very expensive trip and we would have only had about 10 days there. We can also really only afford to go home once per year, and I don’t want that to to be only a week and a half long. So…we decided to head on over to Vietnam for some much needed beach time!!

Spring Rolls also played a part in our decision

We chose Vietnam for a few reasons. It is a very cost affective country for one, and we adore the food here for another. We’ve been all over South East Asia at this point, but we never made it to Danang or Ho’ian, so it was a perfect choice for our Christmas trip.

The hearts are some of the cities we’ve already visited in South East Asia. The stars are the cities we are visiting this time around.

Vietnam is just as we left it 3 years ago: beautiful, warm and delicious! Our first meal didn’t disappoint and an order mix up allowed us to try a dish we’d never had before: Hoa Chuoi Tron Tom Thit. It was a delicious stirfry of light veggies and meat with fish oil and a hint of banana. Absolutely amazing!

We were a little annoyed that they charged us for this dish when we hadn’t ordered it, but in fairness… It was delish!

My handsome hubby with the streets of Danang as his backdrop

Tomorrow, the real adventure starts! Check back soon!!

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