Back in October, we had a week off of work but opted out of our usual Golden Week holiday to avoid the stress of it all. Still, we wanted to do something interesting during our time off, so I booked us into an acrylic paint pouring workshop. It was a great experience and since then I’ve been keen to try any class I can!
In Bukit Lawang, a coconut carving class was included in our tour. The artist, Moon, was very talented and gave us lots of ideas to choose from. I tried to go with something simple, but I didn’t account for all the toes I need to carve (I chose to make a gecko necklace). It was a lot harder than I thought it would be and I realized quickly the value of all of Moon’s work.
I can’t take total credit for my final piece because Moon ended up doing a lot of it himself while I tried to cool down outside (it was stifflingly hot in his workshop). But I did do about half of it myself (mostly the sanding and finer details).
Today, on Gili T, we took another class this time for making Silver jewellery. Dave chose to make a ring and I made a pendant. We were also there with another lady who was making a ring that represented her 3 children. It was a tonne of fun and I found it quite a bit easier than the coconut carving.
We had a good afternoon and all 3 of us left very happy with our results.
Now, I have some jewelery from our time in Indonesia, and some great memories too!
2 thoughts on “Day 23 – Classes”